Friday 31 January 2014

Email Etiquette: Basics You Need to Know

Some people might argue that technology fosters rudeness and laziness. However, this is still really no excuse — especially in professional contexts.
When you send emails, there are some essential rules of etiquette that will make sure you avoid this stereotype and instead give a good impression. Here are some of the basic ones.

The Subject Line is Your Email’s Gateway

Simply put, the subject line is the gateway to your email. If a gateway is unattractive, people won’t want to walk through it. To extend a cordial invitation for recipients to read your email, write a short, informative, well-formatted subject line. Using caps lock or saying something vague like “hello” may be more acceptable when emailing close friends and relatives (although it isn’t advisable even then), but it isn’t okay when reaching out to coworkers or clients.

It’s Okay to Be Informal, But Not Lazy

No one expects a literary masterpiece in their inbox, but no one likes emails that ignore solid writing practices. Use proper mechanics. Employ a friendly, conversational tone. You don’t want to sound like a robot, nor do you want to cross any personal boundaries. Exercise common sense and courtesy, and recipients won’t balk at your emails.
When composing your email, make sure you use the right form of address. Is the recipient a Ms., Mrs., or Mr.? When you first make contact with someone, it is especially important to address them correctly.
Pay attention to the format of the entire email. Make sure the font is readable. Use correct spacing, with one space between paragraphs and no extra spaces between words. One or two missteps in formatting will change the face of your email for the worse.  

Respond Promptly and Get to the Point

Don’t let your inbox become a black hole, with things coming in but never going out. People appreciate it when they receive quick replies to inquiries. It also spares them the anxiety of wondering if what they sent even made it to its destination. This does not mean you need to hurry like a bomb is about to explode, but remember that sending a timely response will project a dependable image.
As most email marketing services will tell you, time is a precious commodity. Don’t squander the time of your email recipients by sending them things they don’t need or aren’t interested in. Even if you have a solid reason for emailing someone, don’t bog down the main point by including fluff. State your purpose succinctly, and use language that’s easy to read and understand.

Do a Double-check Before You Send

It’s far too easy to bust out an email at breakneck speed and then send it on its way without taking a moment to review it. Typos might end up confusing the recipient, and little errors can take away from your professional reputation. It’s worth a minute or two of your time to do one last read-through before you hit the send button.
Here are some essay writing tips from Privatewriting, a professional writing service.
Creating attractive emails is essential, especially if you send them often or to a lot of people. Doing a double-check can help, but if the purpose of your emails is generate a flood of conversions and leads, you might consider getting professional help. The experts know how to optimize results.
Email is an extremely valuable tool for professionals everywhere. To make sure it’s a tool that won’t hurt you, follow basic standards of etiquette. What other rules of email etiquette do you follow?

College Money Black Holes

I couldn’t be more wrong. As soon as I got to school I was spending money left and right and couldn’t keep track. For those of you who haven’t figured it out yet, here’s where your money’s going.
1. Cigarettes and Weed
I can’t bear to look at my own receipts so
these aren’t mine, but you know the feeling.
The one thing I will never understand. With the crazy amount of money spent on these bad habits, you could buy yourself a lot nicer things. Or put that money towards everything else on this list that’s a lot more necessary.
2. Vending Machines
It may be only a dollar here and there but it adds up. Buy things in bulk at Costco to get your money’s worth. Just don’t buy things that go bad quickly.
3. Restaurants That Aren’t Included In Your Meal Plan
I got sick of my unlimited buffet meal plan halfway through first semester. Freshman have mandatory meal plans at SUNY New Paltz so I choose to pay for a meal plan I don’t use and spend every last penny I have on food anywhere but my dining hall.
4. Alcohol
You think you’re being frugal by buying cheap alcohol, but in the morning you find receipts to ATMs and realize that the cheap alcohol put you in a state of mind to make you think you can afford every other type of alcohol.
5. Alcohol For The Ladies
You may think you’re being smooth by buying her a drink, but don’t be surprised when you wake up with no one to comfort you but your empty wallet.
6. Admissions To Clubs, Bars Or Parties
$5 may sound okay for a party until you’re standing on the keg line all night and realize you paid 5 bucks for 2 cups of beer instead of unlimited.
7. Taxis, Buses And Trains
Luckily almost everything is within walking distance in New Paltz, but it’s not like that in most towns.
8. Groceries
Stackin’ up on my Costco goods!
Food seemed a lot cheaper when your parents were buying it. Stick to generic brands and get bonus cards to your supermarkets. You’ll save more than you realize.
9. Laundry
Some colleges warn you to stack up on quarters for laundry. For some reason, people are more willing to throw away coins than dollar bills. Money is money and those quarters stack up.
10. Cleaning Supplies And Toiletries
I don’t think college students put as much money as they should towards cleaning supplies, but they still are very expensive. Again, when you’re at the pharmacy, go for generic brands. And ladies, makeup is very expensive. Embrace the natural look.
Expenses don’t stop after you pay tuition and housing. You may think with a summer job you’ll have some extra cash to spend, but it’ll be gone before you know it. Save your money as much as possible for the school year.

How to Manage Your Cashflow in College and Save for Your Future

When emergencies come up, or when you’re ready to retire, you should have enough cash to cover expenses. Here are four steps to take to make sure you have enough cash when you really need it.

Allocate A Portion of Your Income to Savings

Saving for the future is easier than you think. Many employers offer retirement plans that automatically take out a portion of your pay and saves it or invests it. This account will be there for you when you retire. Another option is to automatically transfer a specific amount of money from your checking account to your savings account each month.

Buy CDs and Mutual Funds

Another option is to make a large initial savings deposit or investment, instead of a small portion of your income, and set it aside to grow with interest. The two most popular options include buying certificate of deposits, or CDs, and mutual funds. CDs usually have a set interest rate and a period of time that you have to leave your money in the account. At the end of this period, you can withdraw the cash you saved and the interest it accrued. Mutual funds are a type of investment similar to stocks. You can purchase a number of shares in a fund or simply invest a specific amount of money. Let it grow for a time. There is no set period. Simply sell the shares when you need money. Both of these types of savings have no risk so it’s safe to keep your money in CDs and mutual funds.
Avoid Purchasing Expensive Items in Cash
If you are saving to buy a large screen TV, make home improvements, or buy a car, and you worry about covering your normal expenses, it’s probably not a good idea to use cash to make the purchase. This may cause a strain on your finances, especially if you no longer have a steady income, or worse, lose your job. This may lead to missed payments and eventually bankruptcy. For legal advice, consult the attorneys at Rosicki Rosicki and Associates. Read about their law firm on the Rosicki Rosicki and Associates blog.
Instead of using cash, make the purchase with a credit card or apply for a loan. The low monthly payment and long repayment term will spread the cost out and make your cash last longer.

Stick to a Budget

The final advice for managing your cash flow is to make a budget and stick to it. Set how much money you can spend each month and avoid going over your limit. Even if you have saved money, in this uncertain economy, it’s not worth spending more than you have to. Do, however, include items in your budget that you can look forward to, such as a vacation.
These savings tips will prepare you for the future. Don’t put your finances at risk with unnecessary spending and shortsightedness.

Things to do Before Morning Class

Ahhh your alarm goes off, and you awake in horror.
“I HAVE SO MUCH TO DO TODAY.” All you want to do is roll over, cozzy-up like a kitten, and sleep until noon.
Well, you can’t. You’re going to college for a reason. What it is may still be unclear, but you ought to at least get to class. Here’s a Top-10 from Honest College that might help you look forward to the morning, or at least be efficient with it and hate it less. Here goes, start at #10 if you’re feeling bold:
  1. Wake up the person lying next to you…even if you don’t totally recognize them, you owe them at least a meager goodbye. If you’re nice, drive them home.
  2. Coffee….make it, don’t buy it. Unless you hate your money. Iced coffee works better for some to jumpstart the day, and it’s more refreshing. Bring it to class, or the library, everyone’s doing it.
  3. Shower, if you went out the night before….you probably smell. And if you were out the night before, you smell like any number of these things: booze, cigarettes, marijuana, and greasy food. Just because you can’t smell the cheap beer evaporating out of you and the smoke in your hair, doesn’t mean your teachers can’t. Axe can substitute, but don’t try this more than two days in a row. Gross. 
  4. Sunglasses….you know you forget them a lot, but when it’s extra sunny and you’re extra hungover these babies come in handy.
  5. Computer time…see what your so called friend did to your Facebook profile. You don’t want those pics or that awkward status up all day. Brief email check doesn’t hurt.
  6. Chug water…just a good idea at all times really. You’ll be happier after you do it and taking a pee mid-class really breaks up the time.
  7. Read or watch something funny. Hulu used to be good, YouTube, maybe a Dilbert cartoon. Just something to get the juices flowing.
  8. Do your homework. If you didn’t do it at the library the night before.
  9. Think about the coming night’s plans. So when the sorority girls approach you asking you’ll have an answer and not seem like a space-cadet.
  10. Play a prank on your sleeping roommates or dorm-mates. Be nice, but not too nice. Propping things up on them is always a good one.

Most Failed College Courses

Heads up on some of the most brutal courses you’ll face in college.
We’ve asked around and done some extensive research, and have generated the newest addition to our top-10s. If you’ve gotten through them, congrats, if not, then find a friendly and hopefully helpful genius in your major to study with.
These courses will pound you, chip away at you, and smack you in the face come test time. If you’re not going to the review sessions, then you should probably consider it.
Why do schools include tough courses like the following 10? Because it’s core knowledge you need, and a sort of small rite of passage you must pass through to achieve upperclassmen status. Unless of course you put them off.
Here goes: starting with Orgo….
  • Organic Chemistry: called orgo, a threshold for getting most chemistry degrees
  • Multivariable Differential Equations: many engineering degrees include this problem-solving intensive course
  • Econometrics: abstract principles and regression analysis make this economics course tough for even the smartest budding young economists
  • Managerial Accounting: teaches you how to manage? hardly, lots of unbalanced balance sheets
  • Calculus II: for those who love calculus, all 0.01% of us
  • Computer Science Programming: once you get through this, the CS engineering major gets a bit easier
  • Business Law: lots of reading, even more essay writing. NOT for all of us
  • Introductory Linguistics: seems interesting right? until it gets WAY too technical and irrelevant to your everyday vernacular
  • Game Theory: sort of a strange language that economists speak, helpful for business strategy
  • Social Psychology: like linguistics, it looks great until you sit down for your first exam

Top-10s: Things Guys Do That Really Annoy Girls

1. Ignoring/Avoiding. No girl wants to be ignored — It sucks when you are into someone and they don’t respond. Or even if you’re dating, if a guy ignores me when I’m trying to make plans with him I get frustrated. Send a quick text — it doesn’t take long.
2. Being Late. Girls really are the only ones who think they can be late. If guys are the ones making them late, that’s just a huge turnoff.
3. Non-Stop-Talking. Give me some time to absorb what you’re saying. I like talking but sometimes a girl just needs a little bit of silence to take it all in.
4. Not Dressing Well. This is kind of shallow but so true. No girl wants to be seen with someone grungy. It also looks like the guy has made no effort and kind of reflects poorly on them. That being said dressing obnoxiously (like a walking billboard) is also not classy.
5. Interrupting. I don’t like it, no one does.
6. Acting Super Bro. Such a turn off. Yes you can be cool with your guy friends and in fact, I’m happy you have them. But I’m with you to hang out with you — not your whole fraternity/entourage.
7. Change your plans abruptly. Say you have a date planned–you’re meeting at the park for dinner and a walk. Don’t change your mind and say you’d rather eat inside or do a movie or even tell them another night. It’s just not fair.
8. Not listening to a word I’m saying. Replying with a head nod or looking the complete different direction. Not flattering at all.
9. Being oblivious to whats going on in the world. Whether it be Pop Culture, Political News, Scandals etc etc. These are key talking points and just makes you look more intelligent. If you don’t know whats going on in the world, its just really not cool.
10. Being too wasted. Pretty self explanatory. Everyone likes happy drunks no one likes sloppy ones…
                                                             By Graffins College

5 Career Opportunities for Recent College Grads

Recent college graduates often find breaking into the job market daunting. With an entire world of possibilities, it can be a challenge to find the right fit.
There are many opportunities available for recent graduates, from management training programs to apprenticeships and non-profit organizations. Finding the right opportunity is a matter of knowing where to look.

Management Training Programs

Many major organizations offer management training programs that pair recent graduates with mentors that guide them into leadership positions. These programs offer a fast track into higher positions with a structured sequence of tasks that eventually lead to management careers. The trainee is offered positions of increasing responsibility over a set amount of time after which point he is promoted into management.
Management training programs, also called management trainee programs, are an excellent way to get on the fast track to upper management. Many retail organizations offer opportunities to move up in just a few years. The Gap, Enterprise Rent a Car and Marriott, International are a few organizations that offer management training programs for recent graduates.

Teaching Fellows Programs

If you have a passion for learning and sharing your knowledge with others, a teaching fellows program might be the right path. These programs often recruit recent graduates to teach in under served areas. The biggest demand for teachers is often in math, science and technology, as these positions are harder to fill. Teaching fellows often work in urban areas in need of quality teachers. Most major cities offer teaching fellows programs, and in some cases, they offer student loan repayment as part of the hiring package.

Stock Broker Apprenticeships

Breaking into a career in finance and investing can be a challenge. There are many companies and brokerage firms that offer assistant opportunities for recent graduates. These firms will sponsor you to take the Series 7 and 63 exams that are necessary for the stock broker’s license. These apprenticeship programs teach the ins and outs of finance and investing, and allow you to learn the craft before breaking out on your own.
Many of the big name Wall Street firms offer apprenticeship programs geared toward recent graduates. Getting into these programs can be competitive, with the top graduates competing for a few available spots. To have a better chance at these apprenticeships, apply for unpaid internships to get your foot in the door.

Non-Profit Organizations

Choose your favorite charity and apply to work for them. There are great opportunities working for non-profit organizations. Not only will you enjoy a competitive salary, you will be working for a greater good. Whether you are interested in bringing arts and music to impoverished children or saving endangered species, there are many charities that hire recent graduates.

Start Ups

Start up organizations are a great place to start to look for new career opportunities. Get ready for hard work, late nights and rewarding tasks. These new companies often hire new grads to get their businesses up and running. If you have a skill like programming, writing, or marketing, start ups are the perfect new grad job opportunity.
Finding a career as a recent grad can be a rewarding challenge. Search for your best opportunity today.
                                                                                                By Graffins College

4 Ways to Turn Your Passions into Profit

Imagine if you started a $30 billion company by sophomore year? Would you think twice about graduation? Think differently about college all together?
In 2004, that’s exactly what Mark Zuckerberg did. He created “The Facebook” which evolved into the famous social platform we all know and love today. Of course it wasn’t always a billion dollar company, but Zuckerberg did build a very successful business in college, and you can too!
Most undergrads have no clue why they’re in college. The average freshmen changes majors 2-3 times before their sophomore year. Interests change. Life becomes a party and come to find out philosophy degrees aren’t applicable in the “real world.” Four years can happen fast.
Now, I’m a realist, and I’m not convincing you to build “The Next Facebook.” I have an alternative solution: Start a small business. Even a funny t-shirt business will prepare you more than any college course. You don’t have to create the next Facebook – you just have to start something, now!
Here are the top 10 reasons to start a small business before graduating college:
1. Free Time
College is full of free-time. Young professionals quickly realize how much free time a “real job” eats up. The 40-50 hour work week really cuts into playing X-Box.
Don’t waste that precious time, I know your young, but building wealth starts now. Start a small business and gain the knowledge to propel your future. You’ll be 10 steps ahead of the game.
2. What do you Love?
Most undergrads are not free from their parents. That’s a bummer when you want to spend a summer partying, but it’s awesome when starting a small business.
Your parents are covering your expenses. You’re not 40 years old supporting a family. That gives you freedom to work on what you love, even if it doesn’t make tons of cash. For example, do you love editing videos? Get really good at it. There are thousands of companies who need rock-star video editors. The experience is worth its weight in gold.
3. Friends Will Work for Free
In college, your friends will work for free (well, most of them). The majority of students consider themselves “broke college students.” A shot at making money easily motivates young entrepreneurs. Once you graduate, people have bills to pay, and working for free is not an option.
SIDE NOTE: Choose who you work with wisely, don’t pick your party animal roommate.
4. Be a Rock Star in your First Interview
Do you really want to bore an interviewer about how you constructed a detailed SWOT analysis on Coca-Cola? Trust me, they don’t care.
What if you referred to a real world situation how you handled a customer demanding back money because you sold them an inferior funny t-shirt? How did you handle that situation? What could you have done better?
It’s a no brainer, real life experience trumps schooling every time. When you run a small business, you gain that experience. Business isn’t what you read in college books, it’s about the people you meet and how you handle situations. If you have that experience, you can “WOW” interviewers with your knowledge through stories. Be interesting and prepare.
5. “The Real World” isn’t yet Real
Think big. Like really big. The “real world” hasn’t yet warped your mind. You’re young. You haven’t been molded into the 9-5 cookie cutter caffeine addicts that the “real world” creates. Use that to your advantage, what have you got to lose?
6. Networking Resources
It may not seem like it now, but college can provide you with tons of resources. There are tons of students there with successful parents. If you work at making a handful of friends, you can leverage their parents to help you launch a small company.
Building a small business takes resources, and if you don’t have the resources already, you need to find the people that do and convince them of your business. College is crawling with students that have the resources and connections you need to succeed. Along with this, take some time to do your research and find the best informational articles about the industry your business will be in. Knowledge is going to be one of your best friends!
7. Extra Income
What happens if you make an extra $300/mo selling funny t-shirts? Or get paid to write content for blogs? What could you do with that money? How much more time will that consume vs working at the campus library for minimum wage? College campuses are tight knit, it would be easy to set up shop on campus and sell funny shirts (I know, I’m beating the t-shirt business into the ground). Get going!
Seriously…what have you got to lose? If you fail, you’ll learn and that is experience nobody can take away from you.
                                                                                                    By Graffins College

Should You Buy a Laptop, Netbook or Tablet when Starting University?

Starting university is an exciting time for anyone, but there are many things that you will have to consider before you leave home behind and travel to your university to start the new term. One of the most important things of all is which type of computer you should buy to assist you with your studies: a laptop, a netbook or a tablet?
Here are some of the main considerations with each one to help you make the right decision.
One of the first things that you should think about is how portable you need your computer to be. A laptop can be very portable, but a netbook is smaller and a tablet is even smaller and lighter still. All of them are a good option if you want to take your computer to lectures, but a tablet is probably going to be the most convenient option here.
You may even want to look into investing in a tablet that comes with a stylus so that you can use it to make notes by hand rather than having to use a keyboard.
When it comes to power, netbooks and tablets pale in comparison to laptops. Laptops can be very powerful indeed, but in return you will often have to pay a premium for them. Although you may want something powerful, you should remember that you may not actually need a powerful machine.
Most of the activities that you will be using it for are taking down notes, writing essays and using the internet, in which case you probably won’t need a powerful computer to start with. In this case, you may be better off choosing a netbook or tablet and spending less.
Internet Connectivity
This is going to be crucial when you choose a computer to help you with your studies. Access to the internet will probably be vital for research purposes, but you may also want to use your computer to watch TV catch-up services or read the news.
Nearly all computers now come with built-in Wi-Fi, but if you are buying an older computer second-hand then make sure this is one of the features it includes. However, another thing that you may want to consider is mobile broadband. This will provide you with greater freedom to access the internet wherever you are, which may be useful while you are studying at university. A tablet may be the best bet here because you can find one with mobile broadband built in. However, you could also buy a dongle to use in your netbook or laptop.
Price is going to be one of the big issues for you when choosing a computer. Tablets may win here because prices have gone down considerably over recent years. However, if you plan to do much typing on your computer, a tablet may not be the most convenient option.
Another option to consider is to buy a laptop that has been refurbished. This will allow you to get hold of a great laptop for less than a new model, while still enjoying all the benefits of having a new computer.
Netbooks are fairly cheap these days as well, but with a refurbished laptop you really don’t need to spend too much to get your hands on a powerful and efficient machine.
Choose the Right Computer for Your Studies
Choosing a computer to take to university used to be simpler, but now there are many different options to choose from. Keep the above considerations in mind when you choose your computer, and they should help you to make a decision on choosing the right computer for your needs.

7 Ways to Help Your College Freshman Adjust to College Life

Chances are good that your kid couldn’t wait to leave for college. The activities! The freedom! The school spirit! But beneath that show of enthusiasm may lay a bundle of unspoken nerves. There is a natural fear among college freshman that seeps into just about every aspect of life, from the social awkwardness of being a new kid on campus to fretting over making it to class without Mom around to serve as a back-up alarm clock. As your child goes off to college for the first time, use these tips to help guide her, and yourself, through one of the most difficult transitions she will ever make.
Keep in Touch
Your kid will miss you. She’s looked to you for guidance and advice, whether she liked it or not, her entire life. She still needs to know you’re around and available. That doesn’t mean you need to call every day, and you probably shouldn’t. For some kids, a weekly call might be enough. Agree to communicate as frequently as you and your freshman are comfortable with.
Encourage Good Health
Many college freshmen lack the discipline to take care of themselves. Late-night snacks, pizza and sugary soft drinks are easy to come by. One in four freshmen gains 10 pounds during their first semester, according to a study in Nutrition Journal, so remind them to exercise and make good food choices to avoid the dreaded “Freshman 15.” It’s also important to promote good sleeping habits.
Establish the Rules
She may be out of the house, but she’s still your kid, and chances are you still have financial ties. Have a discussion about your expectations. Let her know what you expect in terms of grades, spending money, extracurricular activities and visits home. The reality is, privacy laws will prevent the university from telling you much, if anything, about your kid until it may be too late, so you need to keep the lines of communication open and let her know you’re still the parent.
Get to Know the Campus
Your freshman may get ill sometime during the year and need medical attention. Understand what the options are for seeking treatment on campus. College is also a stressful time, and your student may need someone to talk to during exams or other particularly trying times. Encourage involvement in campus activities, such as intramural sports or organizations that appeal to your freshman’s interests and spiritual gatherings.
Believe it or not, your freshman will want you to see her “new” life and friends, and she’ll want to introduce them to you. Attend a sporting event at the school, or arrange to visit for a weekend when you’ll have time to have lunch together and explore the campus and town. Keep in mind, though, that a surprise visit is usually not a good idea and could end with disastrous results. Respect your freshman’s privacy as much as possible, but do plan time for each other.

A New Way to Complete College Assignments

When it comes to completing the college assignment and that to perfectly, then there are lots of questions which come in the mind of individuals. It is difficult in finding out the clear and conceptualized tips for easy to follow in set pattern. All the format and pattern should be clear to the individual assignment writing, there are many organizations which are available in the market but you need to be sure that which company is going to provide you with the perfect solution. One of the organization from which candidates are well aware of with respect to assignment help is none other than thepensters. In case you want your assignments to be custom college assignments than for sure you can approach thepensters via their link provided i.e.
For specific details with respect to the assignments work, students could go through the link of and seek information with respect to same. In case of any issues they could contact their support system which are available across 24/7 .They are further sure that the issues coming in front of students could be handled perfectly without any hassles as they are having perfect writers who are working for them. They allow the candidate to select their own writers according to the records and samples checked and the high end quality which they are looking for. For your assignments you just don’t have to spend much of the time but you could directly send your assignments to the experts who are well aware that how to handle them and take care of it. They are sure of providing timely delivery and guarantee of stipulated time duration. In case you are finding it difficult to select the best writer then you could surely take help of our expert team in finding you with the perfect writer for your need. For best of the outcomes you would be requested to send the specifications and crucial details along with it. After assigning them with the work, students could relax and can concentrate their attention to different direction and enjoy their life to the fullest.
Selection of writer is not at difficult as the details are available on the database of the company. After selection of the writer you are going to have the direct interaction with the writer and accordingly you could negotiate with their working. On regular basis you could interact and come forward with new and latest actions which could be beneficial for the assignments. For seeking the top class writer you will have to display the details of your assignments and order via the inquiry form which is available on the site. Once you have sent the queries and it is highlighted on the site, writers would be moving ahead with biding and based on your requirement you should be able to select the one who best suits you. It’s your wish that whom you are going to select, as the experts could only provide you with the guidance. For information go ahead with the site
                                                                                                       By Graffins College

How to Create a Comfortable Study Environment (Honest College Edition!)

Student centers, the library, the cafeteria, the great lawn…museums, diners, coffee shops…there are tons of places, traditional and nontraditional, both on and off campus, to study. But the place where most students end up doing most of their cramming usually ends up being right inside their own dorm rooms. Whether it be at a desk, on the bed, or on the floor propped up against a reading pillow, a lot of students find they are the most comfortable, and get the bulk of their best quality studying done, at home.
Depending on when you prefer to get your studying done, don’t forget to coordinate with your roommate and negotiate a convenient study schedule so you can avoid disturbing each other, especially if you favor late night or weekend study sessions. Some people aren’t bothered by a bit of extra light, but don’t make any assumptions. Talk about your routines and schedule set times with your roommate. A little bit of courtesy will go a long way!
Speaking of light, don’t skimp on it. A portable light source, like a clip on lamp or a book light, can be very helpful at study time. Take reading breaks every now and then to prevent eye strain, even if you wear glasses. If you spend a lot of study time typing on a computer or laptop, it’s also a good idea to do simple exercises, like the ones demonstrated here, to help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. It’s also handy to have a corkboard or dry erase board up with your schedule and necessary notes at your fingertips.  These items can also make excellent decorative touches, too, as you define your dorm style during the first semester.
Stylish, cozy blankets and throws are good at both sleep time AND study time- there’s something about feeling ensconced that lends to a good study session! There are several excellent choices at that are super affordable and come in university approved extra long sizes that will fit the extra long beds in your dorm. They can also come outside with you. Whether it be to do some reading out on a bench or the lawn, or for other outdoor activities like football games or picnics, blankets and throws are great to have on hand.
Another key to successful study time is organization: plan, plan, plan! Will research be necessary? Are you reading from books, handwritten notes, the computer, or a combination of those? Have everything you need organized and at your fingertips as you get started- including paper for jotting down notes; writing things down in repetition is a proven way to retain information. There is nothing worse than breaking your train of thought to go find a book you need while you’re in the thick of your session, so it pays to take that extra ten minutes before you start to gather everything you’ll need. That said, DO schedule in those little breaks to recharge: grab a snack, rest your eyes, or go for a little walk if your sessions last for more than an hour. Stay hydrated during study time, and try not to really too heavily on caffeine and energy drinks, which, though helpful in moderation, really CAN negatively affect the quality of your sleep if overused. And successful studying- retaining the information you’re taking in- relies heavily on being well-rested.
                                                                                                                By Graffins College

The Holistic Approach to Writing a College Assignment

The very minute you get an assignment from your tutors, your brain is filled with volley of questions.
The questions may involve considerations with topic hunt and researching as well as issues with formatting and editing. While these all are major problems with writing a college assignment, you must not waste all your time just dealing with these individual tasks. To effectively tackle with issues of writing an assignment, you have to pursue a holistic approach. You have to consider the task as a whole instead of focusing on only one or two of its aspects. As an academic quality manager at Graffins College, here I have outlined some major tasks involved in writing an assignment that will help you approach your assignment writing in the right direction.
  • Look for an Interesting Idea: Before writing an assignment, you must first choose a good topic. It must be something that not only has the viability but also fits into the requirements of your college. Visit various sources of information that include academic journals, magazines, books and internet to find an interesting idea. Make sure it is neither too broad nor too narrow for an assignment.
  • Make Notes Of Useful Information: Once you have found a viable idea, you have to gather relevant materials for writing. Go through different resources such as libraries, books and internet databases and save materials in notes to use later.
  • Make an Outline: Considering your notes, divide information into chunks of writing. You can do it by gathering your notes and organizing the compiled information into an elaborate outline. Divide the entire outline into main headings and subheadings. Give specific numbers to each item within the outline. Format your paper into a proper organizational layout, such hierarchical steps or chronological order.
  • Create First Draft: Next, you will do the ‘drafting’ task in different sessions. This is the most workable way that writers prefer to write an assignment. Starting with a rough draft of your assignment, construct your paper towards the conclusion. Follow your outline and take into considerations all the formatting requirements given by your college.
  • Do the Edit: Having completed the first draft of your assignment, perform the first edit. Do it by revising the distorted, vague or out-of-context sentences in your writing. Check if there is any missing point, fact or evidence. Finally, you have to organize the information using headings, sub-headings and bullet points.
  • Always Proofread: Lastly, you must make sure that your final draft is free from spelling and grammatical issues. After doing all the hard work and efforts, you would not want to get your grades affected due to minor spelling and grammatical errors. Never rely upon a spell-checker as it does not recognize differences between certain spellings and grammar usages. Always double-check your work every time you run a spell-checker.
                                                                                             By Graffins College

Monday 27 January 2014

5 facts about Exams in Kenya

Yesterday, it was reported how all 24,000 students in Liberia failed their entrance examsWhile this was shocking and bizarre event, we all know exams are considered difficult by many students. Every assignment, CAT and main exam counts. Failure always brings about stress and depression. For some students, poor performance in an exam always triggers a change in lifestyle from lazy to hardworking. Some students end up giving up and look at other options that can guarantee them a bright future. Their academic morale dwindles to deep levels.  There are exam facts that don’t miss anywhere:

1. Last minute preparations
A very small percentage of students prepare for exams early enough. Campus is so full of fun that we at times tend to think we have better use of our time than studying. Unlike in high school, no one follows you around to study. It’s a personal choice. Two or three weeks prior to main exams, every student is always busy. Photocopy joints always experience booming business; many students line up to photocopy handouts and past papers that were issued earlier on in the semester. Some even photocopy notebooks of the most attentive students in class.  Preparations always go on up to the last few minutes before the beginning of a paper.

2. Cheating
Despite all efforts by university administration to curb cheating, there are still students that cheat. Majority of students cheat during continuous assessment tests and assignments. Courses with large numbers of students are usually the easiest to cheat. Lecturers always feel a little lazy to check for cases of plagiarism in the answers of the entire class population. During main exams some perfect the art of copying from deskmates, small papers or handouts. Some inquire from reliable friends. Inquiring is usually the best form since no evidence is left.

3. Amnesia
It always feels like a curse when you enter the exam room and most of the things you read just disappear. It’s even worse when you remember answers for questions with little marks and forget answers for the loaded questions. The worst part is when you remember everything soon after you leave the exam room. Many students face this disease. There is still no known cure.  There is also the tendency to ‘misanswer’ questions- this involves using the correct answer to answer the wrong question. One leaves the exam room confident that results will be good then disappointment comes later.

4. Gulf in brains
Exams usually bring out the gulf in brains between students. Sometimes, no matter how hard an exam is, there is always that one student who will end up scoring everything. The inverse is also true. There is always that one student who will score close to nothing in a very easy exam. For the students who used to be academic champions in high school, reality shock always creeps in. What you scored in KCSE no longer matters.  It’s a level playing field once again.

5. Passing exams, failing the lessons
Kenyan students have mastered the education system. We know how to study and pass exams. However, we retain very little of what we are taught in school. Most of us still don’t why we had to cram 90 percent of the syllabus which has no useful application at the moment. For some reason, Kenyan students perform really well when compared to other students across the world. Maybe the education system hardens us.

In the end it’s all about exams. We wish we didn’t have them but we are glad that we do.