Friday 31 January 2014

Email Etiquette: Basics You Need to Know

Some people might argue that technology fosters rudeness and laziness. However, this is still really no excuse — especially in professional contexts.
When you send emails, there are some essential rules of etiquette that will make sure you avoid this stereotype and instead give a good impression. Here are some of the basic ones.

The Subject Line is Your Email’s Gateway

Simply put, the subject line is the gateway to your email. If a gateway is unattractive, people won’t want to walk through it. To extend a cordial invitation for recipients to read your email, write a short, informative, well-formatted subject line. Using caps lock or saying something vague like “hello” may be more acceptable when emailing close friends and relatives (although it isn’t advisable even then), but it isn’t okay when reaching out to coworkers or clients.

It’s Okay to Be Informal, But Not Lazy

No one expects a literary masterpiece in their inbox, but no one likes emails that ignore solid writing practices. Use proper mechanics. Employ a friendly, conversational tone. You don’t want to sound like a robot, nor do you want to cross any personal boundaries. Exercise common sense and courtesy, and recipients won’t balk at your emails.
When composing your email, make sure you use the right form of address. Is the recipient a Ms., Mrs., or Mr.? When you first make contact with someone, it is especially important to address them correctly.
Pay attention to the format of the entire email. Make sure the font is readable. Use correct spacing, with one space between paragraphs and no extra spaces between words. One or two missteps in formatting will change the face of your email for the worse.  

Respond Promptly and Get to the Point

Don’t let your inbox become a black hole, with things coming in but never going out. People appreciate it when they receive quick replies to inquiries. It also spares them the anxiety of wondering if what they sent even made it to its destination. This does not mean you need to hurry like a bomb is about to explode, but remember that sending a timely response will project a dependable image.
As most email marketing services will tell you, time is a precious commodity. Don’t squander the time of your email recipients by sending them things they don’t need or aren’t interested in. Even if you have a solid reason for emailing someone, don’t bog down the main point by including fluff. State your purpose succinctly, and use language that’s easy to read and understand.

Do a Double-check Before You Send

It’s far too easy to bust out an email at breakneck speed and then send it on its way without taking a moment to review it. Typos might end up confusing the recipient, and little errors can take away from your professional reputation. It’s worth a minute or two of your time to do one last read-through before you hit the send button.
Here are some essay writing tips from Privatewriting, a professional writing service.
Creating attractive emails is essential, especially if you send them often or to a lot of people. Doing a double-check can help, but if the purpose of your emails is generate a flood of conversions and leads, you might consider getting professional help. The experts know how to optimize results.
Email is an extremely valuable tool for professionals everywhere. To make sure it’s a tool that won’t hurt you, follow basic standards of etiquette. What other rules of email etiquette do you follow?

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