Friday 31 January 2014

College Money Black Holes

I couldn’t be more wrong. As soon as I got to school I was spending money left and right and couldn’t keep track. For those of you who haven’t figured it out yet, here’s where your money’s going.
1. Cigarettes and Weed
I can’t bear to look at my own receipts so
these aren’t mine, but you know the feeling.
The one thing I will never understand. With the crazy amount of money spent on these bad habits, you could buy yourself a lot nicer things. Or put that money towards everything else on this list that’s a lot more necessary.
2. Vending Machines
It may be only a dollar here and there but it adds up. Buy things in bulk at Costco to get your money’s worth. Just don’t buy things that go bad quickly.
3. Restaurants That Aren’t Included In Your Meal Plan
I got sick of my unlimited buffet meal plan halfway through first semester. Freshman have mandatory meal plans at SUNY New Paltz so I choose to pay for a meal plan I don’t use and spend every last penny I have on food anywhere but my dining hall.
4. Alcohol
You think you’re being frugal by buying cheap alcohol, but in the morning you find receipts to ATMs and realize that the cheap alcohol put you in a state of mind to make you think you can afford every other type of alcohol.
5. Alcohol For The Ladies
You may think you’re being smooth by buying her a drink, but don’t be surprised when you wake up with no one to comfort you but your empty wallet.
6. Admissions To Clubs, Bars Or Parties
$5 may sound okay for a party until you’re standing on the keg line all night and realize you paid 5 bucks for 2 cups of beer instead of unlimited.
7. Taxis, Buses And Trains
Luckily almost everything is within walking distance in New Paltz, but it’s not like that in most towns.
8. Groceries
Stackin’ up on my Costco goods!
Food seemed a lot cheaper when your parents were buying it. Stick to generic brands and get bonus cards to your supermarkets. You’ll save more than you realize.
9. Laundry
Some colleges warn you to stack up on quarters for laundry. For some reason, people are more willing to throw away coins than dollar bills. Money is money and those quarters stack up.
10. Cleaning Supplies And Toiletries
I don’t think college students put as much money as they should towards cleaning supplies, but they still are very expensive. Again, when you’re at the pharmacy, go for generic brands. And ladies, makeup is very expensive. Embrace the natural look.
Expenses don’t stop after you pay tuition and housing. You may think with a summer job you’ll have some extra cash to spend, but it’ll be gone before you know it. Save your money as much as possible for the school year.

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